Young Energy Advocates

Energy United – YEA – powered by AVL


Das Institut für Verbrennungskraftmaschinen und Fahrzeugantriebe der TU Darmstadt unterstützt die Energy United – Young Energy Advocates. Die Energy United baut ein Netzwerk für junge Studenten, um zusammen an nachhaltigen und sozialverträglichen Lösungen für eine grünere Zukunft zu arbeiten.

Weitere Informationen zur Energy United:

The Future Energy System is climate neutral, renewable, and socially responsible. But how do we achieve the turnaround? We acknowledge that this will require an unprecedented effort and cross-sectional information exchange and project work.

Who we are:
A solution-oriented network of inquisitive and motivated student trainees, apprentices, interns, etc. dealing with the topic of energy. The activity is primarily focusing on building a network for young students. Ther is, however, no age limit and seinor experts are very welcome to accompany us and share their experiences!

What we do:
We work together on sustainable and socially acceptable solutions for a greener future for everyone. We share our thoughts and information on how to achieve global energy security that is based on technologies that are free of fossil CO2 emissions.

  • Main topic areas: Power generation, hydrogen, energy grids, blackout & resilience, energy storage, decarbonization & de-fossilization
  • Ground rules: fact-based, ideology-free, and technology open.
  • Program: First, discuss, connect and learn. An additional later aim will be to work in teams with motivated people on regional and global challenges, invite experts, and form project development.
  • Output: Use information & insights for daily work, but also to pass on our ideas to agencies, decison-makers, etc.
  • Online teamwork: professional social Networks, cooperation Platform & online Meetings

Interested to join? Be part of the transition!

Quelle: Gregor Petrowitsch – Student Trainee – AVL